Paris 1884 - 1967

Born into a « very conventional, virgin of any oddballs or artists » bourgeois family, André Groult was nonetheless never conditioned by it. Inescapable figure of the XXth Century Decorative Arts, he lauded his creations with sensuality, freshness and fantasy whilst embracing some of the codes of furniture Louis Philippe and Restauration.

As he surrounded himself of the fine flower of the twirling Paris of the time - inter alia when he marrie in 1907 Nicole Poiret who was a fashion seamstress and sister of Paul Poiret and became the father of Benoîte Groult and Flora Groult- he multiplied collaborations, in particular with Louis Sue and Marie Laurencin.

For the « Exposition internationale des Arts décoratifs et industriels modernes » in 1925, he conceived a lady bedroom in a harmony of pink and gray, brocaded silk tensioned across the walls. André Groult’s work on essences, precious woods, Macassar ebony, wood of the islands, lacquer or stingray were and still remain cornerstones of numerous decorative ensembles.