Considered during his lifetime as one of the most gifted and brilliant decorators of his time, an emblematic figure of 1940s furniture, Marc du Plantier was born in 1901 in Madagascar. Deciding to specialize initially in mathematics to enter the Ecole polytechnique, he nevertheless turned to architecture by joining the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1922, following the teaching of Gabriel Héraud and, at the same time, the lessons of the painter Paul Albert Laurens at the Académie Julian. Marc du Plantier began his professional career in the fashion industry, delivering models for the fashion houses Jeny and Doucet; he decided to dedicate himself to the profession of interior designer in 1929.

From this date on, Du Plantier was quickly entrusted with the design of integral interiors in which he worked on architecture and used skilful lighting. The first pieces reveal his taste for the elegant and refined combination of various materials, as well as his predilection for the use of golden bronzes appealing to the great French furniture tradition as well as to an idealized antiquity. The highly publicized inauguration of her personal apartment, entirely designed by her in 1932, is irrefutable proof of the dazzling success of her creations; it is soon followed by various orders from the de Rothschild family, and by the installation of Les Du Plantier in a private mansion in Boulogne in 1935, no less noticed.

Marc du Plantier was approached to decorate the residence of the Count and Countess of Elda in Madrid in 1939 and left France on the eve of the Second World War. He finally stayed there for more than nine years because of the success of his neoclassical pieces in the peninsula - the period was called "Spanish".

Upon his return to France in 1949, Du Plantier radically changed his style and turned towards a much more modern approach, erasing from his work any reminiscence of past styles, favouring the mixing of wrought iron elements, glass and various and varied stones. Moving towards ever-increasing purification and modernism, Du Plantier's work will never cease to please and will win him numerous official commissions and exhibitions in France, but also in the United States and Mexico, two countries where he has lived for four years. Back in France, definitively, in 1966, Marc du Plantier continued to deliver parts for angular purification until his death in 1975.