Paris 1896 - Paris 1988

Here is a man who participated in the great movements of renovation of French decorative arts of the twentieth century, the equal of the greatest, set out as a painter, lacquer and decorative artist in the most artistic events of this period without art critics have not truly devoted to its fair value. Although qu’entreprenant of character, temperament and cleared deep modesty had hardly prepared for the tough competition makes risky and uncertain fates artistic careers. Therefore, aware of its originality and its own qualities, he led a quiet career while developing a prolific work he regularly offered to fans, both in France and abroad, in the annual art fairs and in numerous galleries. He also created monumental decorations and participated, under the direction of Maurice Dufresne, the Exhibition of Decorative Arts in 1925 before winning in international exhibitions such as those of 1931 and 1937. For several years the market for the last famous for its value by both presentations in museums with exhibitions in art galleries specializing while results at auction now reached exceptional prices. His work of lacquer is very important and has thousands of designs and paints, his work as a creator of lacquered furniture to be less prolific is not least also extremely important and its lakes are among the most representative of his time. Using pencil graphite, charcoal, pen or brush in ink or sepia as well as oil pastels and gouache when it is not the oil painting, the key is always clear and precise, laid in flat areas on Canson drawing paper, with a record of perfect details. Addressing burning as a goldsmith he cut shapes, models and features on the chisels Texon sheets or panels of Chinese lacquer, and
does not hesitate to use metal powders of gold and silver but leaves copper or aluminum which he carefully patina material effects. Gaston Suisse is particularly prized for its lacquered furniture pieces, whether low tables, nesting tables, console or in support of geometric furniture. His lacquer panels engraved with animal motifs, colorful characters also it well in sets of style in modern decor contemporary apartments. Some screens for animal flamboyant decorations are all the more valuable they are rare, while others, representing skyscrapers, articulate their leaves in an impressive architectural transposition. This is why this exhibition reveals the admiration of fans.