Jean Perzel was born in Bavaria, May 2, 1892. He learned the art of glass painting in Munich at a very young age, and at the age of 16 he began his tour of Europe on foot. During his trip, he is hired in workshops to earn a living and know the different techniques. He arrives in Paris in 1910, enters a master glassmaker who sends him after one year to carry out important works in Algiers. In 1914, he returned to Paris where the war has just begun. He enlisted in the Foreign Legion, he was demobilized and naturalized French in 1919. He still continues to be a glass painter.

At the age of 23, Jean Perzel specializes in the study of modern interior lighting and founds his company. From 1925, Jean Perzel, obsessed with the idea of ​​amplifying the light, made all his glass pieces. He will draw all his creations himself, in a perpetual search for elegance and purity of form. These will enhance the architecture of the places they are intended for.

From 1920 to 1939, Art Deco revolutionized the architecture and design of the twentieth century and saw the birth of the company Jean Perzel which will mark its imprint the world of lighting and decoration, by creating fixtures and glass and bronze furniture, which will adorn the most prestigious places. These pieces are found in the court of the King of the Belgians, Henry Ford or the family Rothschild. etc.
Jean Perzel participates in various exhibitions and international competitions where he won numerous awards. His notoriety allows him to highlight the interiors of celebrities, politicians and institutions.